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Dr Anita Nolan

NZDA24 Anita Nolan

Anita is an Oral Medicine Specialist, working in both the public and private health sectors.

She holds registration with both the Dental and Medical Councils of New Zealand. She spent over two decades in Oral Medicine clinically intensive academic roles in the UK and more recently in New Zealand.

She obtained an Oral Medicine Fellowship (RCSI) by examination and later intercollegiate accreditation in Oral Medicine specialist training, an MD by research and an LLM (Medical Laws).

She has held national roles in Oral Medicine specialist education, curriculum development and standard setting, internal and external university and Royal College examiner roles, including the position of Intercollegiate Oral Medicine Specialist Fellowship examiner (UK).

She was appointed to the Fitness to Practice Committee GDC (UK) and was selected as a member of the Advisory Committee on the Misuse of Drugs, which advised the Home Office (UK).

Oral Health Therapist, Dental Therapist & Hygienist Programme

Desquamative gingivitis and painful oral mucosal disorders

Patients usually seek advice on oral discomfort or a change in the appearance of their oral mucosa from dental professionals. Many mucosal diseases present with a similar oral appearance and can be difficult to diagnose. An understanding of conditions that cause these symptoms and the ability to provide advice and general management of gingival and oral mucosal disorders can significantly improve the comfort and health of patients. This discussion will provide an overview on the presentation and management of desquamative gingivitis and oral mucosal disorders.

Dentist Programme

Oral Medicine in General Dental Practice

Dentists regularly encounter patients suffering from a range of oral mucosal diseases, many of which are chronic and may have a significant psychological and physical impact on patients. The increased demand for management of oral mucosal disorders is driven by an aging population, medical complexity and greater patient expectations. This presentation will be clinically oriented and focus mainly on the diagnostic and management aspects of oral medicine conditions that are encountered in general dental practice.