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Dr Arun Natarajan

NZDA24 Arun Natarajan

Arun is a Specialist Paediatric Dentist currently working in Waitaha Canterbury Te Whatu Ora and in private practice.

He is passionate about all aspects of paediatric dentistry including advocacy, research and leadership.

Arun is the current chair for Specialist Paediatric Dentists New Zealand (SPDNZ) and past president for the NZ branch of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry (ANZSPD).

Outside Dentistry, Arun lives in Christchurch with his wife, two young children and enjoys biking, socialising and food.

Dentist Programme

Hypomineralisation of molars, incisors and the rest: an update

Molar and Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH or MH) is a very common developmental dental condition that cannot be identified yet until the tooth erupts. It is easy to go unnoticed until the situation is worse or misdiagnosed as carious. If left untreated, it can have a major impact on the child’s quality of life and overall health with problems ranging from sensitivity, caries, discomfort and pain, and difficulty with eating, drinking, speaking and toothbrushing.

Oral Health Therapist, Dental Therapist & Hygienist Programme

The Science and Art of behaviour guidance for the Paediatric Dental Patient: the skills and tips

Dental practitioners including Oral Health Therapists are expected to recognize and effectively treat children with dental problems that are within the knowledge and skills acquired during their professional education. This presentation will provide an overview on the basic and advanced behaviour guidance for paediatric patients in dental practice along with skills and tips to enhance the provision of dental care for the younger members of society. Arun will be sharing practical tips from more than a decade of professional learning and work experience.

Learning objectives:

  • Basic behaviour guidance
  • Advanced behaviour guidance
  • Ethical Principle: Putting patient’s interest first – what does this mean for our paediatric patients?
  • Different behaviour management techniques – the art, science and the balance
  • Cases/Practical tips – discussion…