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Dr Prashant Zaveri

Sponsored by NZOA

NZDA24 Prasahnt Zaveri

Dr Zaveri is a Specialist Orthodontist & Periodontist in private practice in Auckland, New Zealand. He is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at University of Otago.

Dr. Prashant Zaveri is an excellent teacher, clinician and his unique dual qualification generates interest in all his presentations, national and overseas.

Currently he is the President of the New Zealand Association of Orthodontists and a Member of various National and International Orthodontic & Periodontic Associations. He has keen interest in Sanskrit language, Vedic Scriptures and practices meditation.

Dentist Programme

Orthodontic management of ectopic teeth – challenges and opportunities

Management of impacted teeth is often challenging in terms of timing, execution and the associated soft & hard tissue defects after alignment. It is important for clinicians to consider growth changes, tissue responses and accurate radiological assessment to establish a treatment plan. Guidance of ectopic teeth into occlusion requires collaborative management with appropriate biological guidelines and biomechanical techniques.

Learning objectives:

  • Biological & Biomechanical guidelines for managing ectopic teeth
    • Timing & execution
  • Surgical techniques including atraumatic exposure to recover intricately impacted teeth.
    • Tips to avoid soft and hard tissue defects around retrieved impacted teeth
  • Value and limitations of CBCT in the management of ectopic teeth

Young Dentist Day Programme

Laser assisted periodontal procedures for the orthodontic patient

Successful orthodontic treatment is directly dependent on health of the supporting tissues. Orthodontic treatment is often hampered by muco-gingival complication or periodontal hard & soft tissue defects. Innovation in laser technology holds promise for its use as an alternative treatment modality to conventional periodontal surgical treatment for the orthodontic patient.

Learning objectives:

  • Types of lasers and its relevance to clinical practice
  • Application of laser assisted procedures in orthodontic treatment.
    • gingival enlargements; management of muco-gingival defects; ectopic teeth
  • Laser assisted periodontal surgical procedures.
    • Timing and execution
    • Tips for implementation in clinical practice.

Oral Health Therapists, Dental Therapists & Hygienists Programme

Periodontally compromised dentition and the uncompromising Orthodontist- A clinical perspective”

Malocclusions are often at risk of rapid periodontal tissue breakdown during orthodontic treatment. It is important for Orthodontists to have a succinct understanding of the factor that influence the development of these defects or aggravation of periodontal disease. Current research along with proper diagnostic technique allows clinicians to harness support from the periodontium and manage cases with periodontally compromised teeth.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify ‘Risk Factors’ that compromise periodontal health during orthodontic treatment
  • Periodontal procedures that can influence Orthodontic treatment outcomes
    • Laser assisted procedures; tissue regeneration
  • Orthodontic movements that can influence and improve periodontal health.
  • Protocols in Orthodontic treatment planning from a periodontal perspective.