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Dr Sarah Fitzharris

NZDA24 Sarah Fitzharris

Sarah graduated in1991 from Otago University Dental School, New Zealand. She spent 3 years in private practice in Auckland before leaving for the UK.

After working for 10 years in London and Bucks, she purchased an existing 3 surgery practice from a retiring kiwi in Berkshire in 2005 with her husband Nick Fahey.

Since then, Sarah has built the team from 7 to over 40 people and has expanded the practice from 3 to 8 surgeries. Woodborough House Dental Practice is a multiaward winning General and Specialist Referral practice, that delivers world class dentistry with customer service to match.

Sarah’s passion is people. “Treating people not just their teeth” has been a lifelong mantra. She regularly speaks about this at local schools and networking events.

After 30 years in clinical practice, Sarah now spends her time managing Woodborough House Dental Practice and has established a dental education company, FitzFahey Academy, with her husband Nick Fahey.

Sarah is CEO of Black Box Human Factors, a company that uses lessons learnt from the aviation industry to maximise human performance in Dentistry and many other industries.